Tips for Handling Sewage From a Blocked Drain

Blocked drains are always likely to occur in homes as a result of many different causes. Old pipes, poor drainage systems or flushing the wrong items down the drain can all result in a drain becoming blocked. In some cases, blocked drains may cause water to overflow uncontrollably on short notice. This often happens when someone unknowingly flushes a blocked toilet and it begins to overflow, or when taking a shower or using the kitchen sink.

If a blocked drain overflows, it can spread sewage to various surfaces of the home and result in a huge mess. There are several steps you can take to control a sewage overflow in the home before your plumber gets there to fix the problem.

Handle sewage with gloves at all times

If sewage starts to overflow onto your floors and other surfaces, you should take steps to prevent it from contaminating other areas of the home. First off, never touch sewage with your naked hands. The human waste and other chemicals in the liquid can cause multiple health risks.

Make sure you wear thick gloves and rubber boots to cover your open toes. When cleaning your floors and other surfaces, prepare to dispose of the mops and cloths that you use to wipe off sewage. And when wearing gloves, avoid contacting your skin, eyes or nose.

Cover any open wounds

The chemical and organic waste in sewage can also infect an open wound on your body. Make sure that any previous cuts and bruises you may have obtained are covered up with a clean and dry bandage. Try to keep these wounds away from sewage contact as much as possible.

Keep food items away from sewage

If your kitchen sink overflows, the first thing you should do is to keep food items away from the liquid mass. Move foods from countertops and place them inside clean and dry cabinets that are away from the floor.

Any food that comes in contact with overflow should be disposed of as soon as possible.

Clean surfaces with chlorine

Chlorine is an effective cleaning agent. It eliminates organic matter and also other chemical waste that can be potentially harmful to your heath. When cleaning sewage from surfaces, use a mild chlorine solution to disinfect the home. Household bleach is a convenient item to use for disinfecting surfaces. 

When sewage contacts the eyes

If you end up accidentally splashing sewage onto your eyes, flush the eyes with clean water for several minutes to ensure that all the waste has been removed. In addition, clean your hands thoroughly with soap and water once your plumber gets there to take over.
