Sandblasting Tips for Blocked Drainpipes in Your Home

Blocked drainpipes are a menace that every homeowner will deal with at some point. This is because people usually dump stuff down the drainpipes with little consideration of the effects. If possible, you need to make sure that waste items such as grease, fat and hair never find their way into the drainpipe. It will also be helpful for you to manage the quality of water that goes through drainpipes to prevent the buildup of hard water deposits. Gladly, there is still hope for those who are already dealing with blocked drainpipes. You can use sandblasting to clear your drainpipes and restore their efficiency. The following tips will help you when sandblasting your drainpipes:

First Things First – Your Equipment

Success in any do-it-yourself project requires a proper understanding of the equipment you want to use. First, sandblasting the drainpipes in your household needs the use of wet sandblasting techniques. Don't go for ordinary sandblasting because it is an abrasive technique meant for cleaning robust surfaces. You are also better off with using water as a lubricant for unblocking your drainpipes. It makes the work easier.

Get Rid of Trapped Debris

Start by removing all the debris trapped in your blocked drains. This ensures that you only use sandblasting minimally, and to remove the notorious debris stuck in the pipes. Open the seal covering the top of the drainpipe, and insert a plumbing snake as far as you can. The plumbing snake will hook onto some of the stuff clogging your drainpipe and help you flush the grime out. You can follow this up with sandblasting to get rid of all the dirt that the plumbing snake could not loosen.

Preparing for Sandblasting

Sandblasting machines are quite costly. You are better off renting one every time you want to clear your drainpipes. When you get a good machine, read the user's manual to understand how everything works. Look for specific recommendations, such as the preferred grains of sand. Lastly, make sure you have protective clothing, such as gloves and welder's glasses.

Begin With a Power Wash

Don't be in a rush to connect the sandblasting device to the sand supply. Insert the device's nozzle into the drainpipe, and send volumes of high-pressure water down the drainpipe. The water will push the clog further down the drainpipe, which reduces the effort needed when sandblasting.

Finish With Wet Sandblasting

Connect the equipment to the sand supply to begin the sandblasting process. Turn the device on, and let the sand blast through for a few seconds. Avoid focusing the flow of the device in one direction lest the sand eats up the surface of the pipe.
